Tuesday, November 30, 2004

On the Merlyns and Getaway Games merger

On one hand, I am tickled that we live in a country where a topic such as a game store merging with another can be a hot button topic for some folks. On the other hand, it is kind of scary...

I attended the Merlyns/Getaway Games public Q&A session tonight. First impression that I came away with was that they actually might be able to make a go of this.

John W. (Merlyns Owner) came and put most of the issues that were brought up to rest. Merlyns is going to do everything that it can to keep the Getaway tournaments running like a train in Sweden. Merlyns is working on expanding their gaming space for the larger crowds.

Where John faltered was in a simple communications problem. I give him every benefit of the doubt, however as he is not a debater or public speaker. There were several questions posted to him about his willingness to meet half way with the GG Loyalists on important topics for them. What John falteringly communicated was that each one would be on a case by case basis. He (of course) could not promise to be all things to all people.

Other then these small issues, things went very smoothly. Dave A. (Getaway Games President) smoothly fielded a few questions and seemed happy that he would be able to play the games that he so loves again.

I think that a few voices in the crowd wanted to be told that Merlyns will be just like Getaway was – however that simply cannot be. We are at a crossroads right now. The market in Spokane cannot support two large gaming stores like Merlyns and Getaway right now. There simply are not the dollars being spent to support the rent, heat and lights for two major centers like we had.

The market is also shifting. Hasbro has started selling away from the traditional chain, into larger venues that can undersell mom and pop stores. This is the way of the future, We have seen it in almost every industry except gaming. Look at Barnes and Noble or Borders vs Aunties. National chains can compete on a scale that local shops simply cannot.

So, either GG or Merlyns was going to fail sooner or later.

However, with national chains comes a lack of local control and a feeling of facelessness. I prefer local stores. I support local stores. I want to see local stores thrive.

GG and Merlyns could not both survive. Fact of life.

Local gaming communities are fostered by a community event or center – be it conventions, stores or a successful club.

Clubs in Spokane, are quite honestly, doomed to mediocrity. SGR has survived many years with the same core of loyal followers, and I commend them on this. However, they have not seen significant growth in years. SAGE rose and failed in the blink of an eye. If anything, NWGamers is SAGE's legacy. But that's another story.

We have seen Gamefaire fail, we have seen Incon fail over the last few years. Conventions in Spokane do not seem to work at this point in time. There were various reasons that these conventions shut their doors, but as it stands today, we have no convention, and no one willing to foot the five to ten thousand dollar bill to get one started up.

We are left with stores. If we want to have any sort of community in Spokane, we must have a local store, that will cater to us and help support the local community. Getaway is gone. Merlyns has offered to help rebuild the rifts in the community, to offer space for us die hard gamers, and to try and support the vision that Getaway Games was founded on.

If we want Merlyns to survive, we need to support it. We need to get off our duffs and spend our gaming money there. If they do not sell anything, they will not be able to pay their rent or power and will have to shut their doors.

If we sit at home and take up knitting, we loose. If we all sit around our kitchen tables and play our games that we bought on the Internet or at Wall-mart, we will all loose.

I am not a looser.

Are you?


Saturday, November 27, 2004

So long to a good friend

Getaway Games will be closing doors here in a few days. This is a sad day for me. I have a lot of fond memories at that store. Heck, I met my wife (Shela) there. And she is not even a gamer! The Car Wars 5th Ed campaign that I ran there was loads of fun, as was the first SFB (Y1, Early Years) campaign. I have made lots of friends that will hopefully follow me into the waning years of my life, and I have had just way to much fun.

However, the good part is that they are merging with another game store in town, Merlyns. Merlyns has been around in various different guises for decades. It seems to be the dominate force in the gaming community around here. All politics aside, they must be doing something right.

So, Getaway Games is Dead, Long Live Getaway Games!

Friday, November 26, 2004

...and I break out in song...

Singing is not one of my strong suites. Really. It has been said that I even lipsync out of tune. However, I really love music. Lots of diffrent types - from Warren Zevon to Toby Keith to Pink Floyd to Kompressor to KMFDM and just about everything inbetween. So, I just keep to singing along in the truck, out of key and (hopefully) out of earshot of anyone.

The Lookie Loo


Now, I do not really think that I would use one of these.

Really. Um, no.

Thanksgiving Horror

Several cases of acute Tryptophan poisoning occurred across Spokane yesterday. Many people do not know of Tryptophan, also called 'The Turkeys Curse', a drug present in modern day turkeys. When consumed in large quantity's, Tryptophan can cause a number of effects, including a desire to eat Mince Meat and Pumpkin Pies, a need to dress in sweats, and a sleepiness.

However, the most horrific effect takes place between 12 and 48 hours after a large dose is ingested. It has a chemical reaction with the Estrogen found in the Human Females blood and causes a frenzied desire to get material items.

Across Spokane and the country, American women flocked to retail outlets and threw themselves into shopping in an orgy of capitalistic fervor. Several fights broke out over particularly rare and valuable items, such as the legendary 'Care Bear' items.

Now, really. get a freaking grip people!

Fighting over stuffed toys?

WTF Mate?! What has Christmas come to mean? Is it so freaking important that you get the latest Cabbage Patch Kid that you incite violence? Are we a nation of spoiled children waiting for there toys imported from China, or are we adults?

This day, every year, makes me sick.


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Puppy dog tails and Snails..

So, I guess the big question is, what are we made of?

I just got done reading a book called 'The Elegant Universe'. A really good read, if I say so. Over the years I have accepted that Relativity works, because it has been shown in experiments to be a good explanation of how space-time works. However, I have always had a hard time with the why of it. This is the first author that could, in one paragraph, make me understand why it works the way it works. Great stuff.

Anyways, the author sets off on a grand tour of String Theory, Particle Physics and other intriguing topics. The one thing that really struck me, however, was his discussion of strings.

It seems that strings are not really 'strings', but rather can be little loops, bubbles or other things that cannot be drawn on paper, less comprehended by our minds that are stuck in a 4 dimensional world.

Also discussed, is that there are 11 dimensions, not 4 as we commonly perceive. The additional ones are 'wrapped up' on them selves in sub-atomic configurations, so we cannot sense them in our day to day life. Just think about it – as you move your arm in an arc, you might be passing through thousands or millions of tiny wrapped up space-time blobs – your arm might be moving up to 11 directions as you sweep it across the space in front of your body.

Strings are the things that appear to us as point particles (muon's, gravitons, mesons, quarks). Each is made up of a string vibrating and twisting in a specific way. This vibration determines the properties of the point particle.

What if those strings are made up of space-time that is wrapped around itself? Perhaps those additional 7 dimensions are actually what the strings are made up of? Perhaps we are not only made up of the stuff of stars, but the stuff of space itself!

Not much bearing on day to day life – but interesting none the less!


It's getting Cold in here - why don't you put on some clothes!

The day after yesterday I saw a pretty good movie called The Day After Tomorrow. In it there is a lot of heroism and stuff – but what I really grokked was the science.

The basic story was that the climate shifts suddenly, and a lot of scientists say 'I told you so!'

Now, I do not think that these things could happen over 3 days like in the movie – but there is mounting evidence that such things could happen over several years. You seem it all comes down to something called 'the Atlantic Conveyor' which is a current that pumps warm water up north, and takes cold water down south.

There is historical evidence that the last ice age (between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago) was sudden in onset. Sudden, meaning with in a decade. Could you imagine the northern reaches of the United States and all of Canada being pushed under a sheet of ice in the next six years?

All of this is being caused by global warming – funnily enough. As the worldwide mean temperature rises, more ice melts off of the ice caps. This lowers the salt content of the Oceans, which causes the conveyors to stop functioning, which causes the temperatures to drop dramatically closer to the poles and raise closer to the equator.

This is such a serious thing, that the Pentagon has funded studies into it, fearing what such climatological shifts could do to world stability. As much of the food production changes from the locations that we are used to to new places (as the current breadbaskets will be under sheets of ice or deserts) the geopolitical landscape could radically change.

Wars fought over rapidly vanishing farmlands, massive migrations of people away from the desert that they used to call home, it all sounds like a science fiction story.

What can we do today to help? I have heard the climate called 'a big ship' in that, once it starts to move in a direction, it can be hard to change it's course. However, everyone of us can help. Stop using wasteful vehicles – switch to cleaner hybrids or bio desiel driven cars and trucks. Lower that thermostat in your house – even if you use electricity, it might be coming from coal fired plants. Walk, or ride a bike instead of driving. Recycle. The mantra of the Greens. It's not hard, it is just sad that the current marketplace makes it so expensive to do these things.

The one thing that we can do is stop eating hamburgers. You think I am kidding? Cows produce a lot of green house gases!


Thursday, November 18, 2004

Spokane Catholic Diocese declares bankruptcy

Yes, you heard it right. Following the precedent set by 2 other Dioceses around the country, the Spokane Catholics have decided that they simply cannot afford to fight all of the allegations against them in court. So, they will chapter 11 and dodge the bullet.

There are 28 lawsuits right now against the Spokane Diocese, and about 130 claimants. Two priests who worked for the diocese over 30 years ago accounted for about half of those claims. All of these are sexual abuse claims.

The issue here is not that a priest made a mistake. After all, priests are just men who can make mistakes, and should be held responsible for those mistakes like every one else. The root issue is how the Church handed the issues.

...drawing attention to Skylstad's relationship with Patrick G. O'Donnell Jr., one of Spokane's most notorious priests. Forced from ministry in the 1980s, O'Donnell abused — by his own admission — at least 30 boys. That admission came out in a recent set of depositions taken as part of the lawsuits, and which were first reported by the Spokesman-Review and Seattle Times. O'Donnell's testimony has provided critics like SNAP with more information — which, they believe, suggests that Skylstad failed to intervene when he had the chance more than 20 years ago.

from the Inlander

In every instance, there has been evidence of conspiracy, collusion and cover ups by the Church. If a private company, say a daycare, had these allegations raised, no one would raise a stink about lawsuits nor give them any special treatment. However, since this is Religion, here we go.

To dig down to the essence of the issue, Power corrupts. When ever a 'universal truth' is espoused, this gives the espouser's a lot of moral leeway. After all, they are the 'one true way' and everyone else is wrong.

We can see evidence of this in the history of the Church. Look at how they treated indigenous peoples and religions. In Wales, it was a crime to teach Welsh. Over 5 million women were burned at the stake, with the blessing of the church, because they were suspected to be witches. The Church even published, or at least blessed (the reports differ on that), a book "The Malleus Maleficarum", that detailed how to torture "witches" into confessing their heresy. Often the "witches" were just women that offended the local preist or headman. Also, how many people were tortured and killed by the Inquisition for any number of things – including not agreeing with the Inquisition on religious matters?

For example, did you know that a Council of bishops declared that Jesus was divine? (Council of Nicea, 325 AD - here and here. Many more resources are available on the net – use Google). All over the place, we have Men declaring Their truth is The Only Truth and killing those that oppose them.

What about the bible? Is is inspired by god or just a convenient fiction? I do not know, but this is fact – large parts of the bible that did not agree with the Church's views were tossed right out. Here is a partial list of the books that they had. Many are still available, and the Anglican Church still uses many of them in their services. Here is a good discussion on forms of criticism of the bible, it's tactics and the arguments used by Christians to defend it.

I will never stand in the way of someone who wants to believe a certain way - I simply hold that they should extend me the same right. I also firmly believe that people and organizations should be held responsible for their actions, under the law of the land. To believe that we are 'above' or 'better' then the law of the land is inviting disaster. In my most humble opinion, the most important law is - do no harm.


Web site fixed

Cedent got their domain name hosting problems resolved - mail is again flowing and the offical domain name (NWGamers.org) is working again. Cool.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

News, news news

Ok, so I no longer have a camera phone. I just switched carriers and went for the uber-cool tinyphone. It has no camera, but it's almost too small. So, I have to start to whip out the ol' digital camera and thumbnail the pics to post here. I am sure that ya'll would just hate me if I threw 5 mega pixel pictures up here and watched your little phone lines implode.

Cediant web hosting is really starting to annoy me. A week and a half ago, I called in and asked them to move one of my domains from my old hosting services to my new hosting service. Click through that link to get a good deal on web hosting (and me a kickback - the kickback will 100% go to running my not-for-profit site, NWGamers). Anyways, the long and short of it is that's still showing up in the control panel and their Databases as moved, but the DNS servers are not updating. They have no idea why. They have no idea when it will get fixed. Being smarter then the average bear, I have several domain names staked out for my site, and just am using one of the secondary ones to point to it for the time being. But it is very frustrating none the less. What really rankles my hide is that I have been with the company for about 5 years. And, now it is time to move on to a new service that will take care of it's clients a little better.

Customer service really does matter. Especially in the new economy


Monday, November 08, 2004

Spokane: A city in Flames

So, the '05 budget is on the table for Spokane. It does not look good at all. Some how, we ended up living in the 12th highest taxed state ($2,113.88 per capita, compared with our neighbors in Idaho who are taxed at $1,716.21 per capita) and we still have shortfalls in government budgets.

In Spokane, we will have a $ 20 million shortfall in Police/EMT/Fire services ($ 64 million spent out of $84 million requested), a $10 million shortfall in the Traffic department ($ 6.6 million spent out of $17 million requested) and a $ 13.8 million shortfall in the rest ($43.2 million requested and $29.4 million spent).

So, we are in the hole by almost $44 million! According to the CFO of Spokane, we are loosing 63 fire fighters, 17 police and a host of other jobs. These jobs are being cut - these people are already working protecting us, and now they will be unemployed. And, we still have a cable TV channel.

So, if we would just all buck up about 200 more dollars, we would raise our taxes even more, and yet be able to afford safe streets - not safe streets as in streets with out potholes, but streets with cops patrolling. And, at $2,300 per capita in taxes, we would be between 8th and 9th place in most heavily taxed states.

What's wrong with this picture? When is this rampant spending going to stop? When are the politicos and bosses going to realize that higher taxes are not the way to increase tax revenue? (Read this for more information on the history of this topic)

I am a proponent of flat taxes, as well as a sales tax rather then an income tax. At all levels.

If the Fed would implement a simple 15% sales tax, and remove all of the other taxes, it would generate a whopping 1.7 trillion dollars a year! Since (in 2004) the IRS took in 1.9 trillion dollars (before refunds etc), I think that this is a very realistic approach. We, on average, pay out about 20 to 30% in income taxes right now, so this would allow us to keep more of our money in our pocket (which, I am sure that we would spend, which would ramp up the economy, which would generate more money, which we would spend etc.).

If the states would follow this idea, and put their, say, 10% on top of that we would never need to fill out a tax form again! Oh Happy Days!


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

An Aside

There is a really funny (for computer geeks) and informative (for normal folks) article on the difference between format c: and rm -rf. Even if you do not know what these arcane conjurations are used for, head on over and read it.

How I spent Election Night.

I was flipping between CNN for national coverage and the locals for, well, local coverage until about midnight. Shilo got home about nine, and promptly feel asleep on the couch. I noshed on Breyers Mint Chip Ice cream, Cold Tap Water and a Nature Valley Chewy Granola Bar (Lemon Yogurt). It was a night of excitement, and eventually, tiredness.

One of the neat things that I heard is that there is a movement afoot to make Election Day a National Holiday. Yay! Anything that creates a new national holiday should be viewed as a good thing.

I really commend CNN on their coverage. They were very cautious about calling states (they had not called Ohio when Kerry bowed out this morning). They seemed very fair and unbiased - having the Crossfire guys slug it out every hour.

All in all, a fun night. Just think - it only cost us about 4 billion dollars! For a measly $14 each, we get this kind of entertainment! What a country we live in!

To compare, the total deficit is now at about $25,000 for each of us. Think about it. With the median personal income in the US sitting at 27,066, I think that we have a problem.

Several of the new house and senate members are proponents of a federal sales tax, instead of the federal income taxes that we currently pay. I for one, stand behind this 100%. Right now we are at war. We need to bring in the capital to fight this war. Everyone should be taxed equally. So instead of a convoluted tax system that you need a specialized lawyer to comprehend, we should simply be taxed on what we spend.

If you buy a house, 20% sales tax. If you buy a loaf of bread, 20% sales tax. Nice, easy, to the point. If a company buys a Jet, 20% sales tax. If you save twenty thousand dollars for retirement, no tax!

Hey – another big advantage. Retirement accounts become a heck of a lot easier! No more “You can only put 2000 dollars a year into an IRA, unless it’s a Steven IRA, then you can put the less of 4% of the GDP of Chile or the number of lint particles in your left pocket.”

That, and you will bring home everything that you earn. Unless you live in one of the states that has an income tax.


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Monday, November 01, 2004

Darkness Consumes Us

I believe that Tolken meant for his books to be an allegory for life. Many of the darkest portions were written while he served in World War One. His books paint a picture that is very much black and white. We have the soul-wrenching evil of Sauron and the lily-white purity of the Elves and Gandalf.

Or do we? The real world is all shades of grey, and I believe that he showed us a world where under the surface; all was not as black and white as we would be lead to think. For example, the Elves created the problem (Sauron) and were up and leaving. Gandalf never revealed his true intentions, nor that he more then likely saw what was coming. If he had been up front with the ‘forces of good’ about what they were going to face, would any of them even left their hearths and homes and ventured out?

Right now, we face a foe just as determined as Sauron was in the books. Instead of marshalling armies, however, he strikes at our culture, our hearts and minds. Do not mistake his aims; his goal is to remake the world into his image. It would be easier to accept if he invaded countries, marched on cities and waged a conventional war, however he knows that he cannot openly fight us and win.

The Era of the conventional war is slipping away. No one in the world can stand up to the USA in a conventional slugging match, and the entire world sees this. Other tactics must be used if these people want to wage war on us and have a chance of winning. The tactics of Terror are the manual for the new war. In essence, our strength has caused the New War.

Unlikely warriors fight many of the battles outside of the public eye. It can be as simple as extending a truly non-judgmental helping hand to some one in need, or as complex as a Special Forces strike on a safe house to remove the threat of an attack. People are fighting and dieing right now to keep you and me safe, and we will never know their names, never even know of the conflict that is happening as we tuck each other into bed at night.

Mistake me not; this war is going on right now, all over the world, in the shadows. If we are to win it, we must fight with resolve. When force is called for, we must strike hard and fast and never waver. When other options are available to us, we must use them.
