Thursday, October 14, 2004

First ramblings

Well, it seems that my little brother has started a Blog, so here is mine as well. Look what peer pressure can do, kiddies!!

Since ya'll probally do not know me, I will give you the 20 second tour...

I have been involved with computers since the very early days of what are now called PC's - and I have seen a lot of changes. I remember when I was a kid playing Archon on the family C64 with Nelson and thinking how cool that was. Now, I run Ubuntu Linux and Debian Testing on my machines at home, and help manage a three state portion of a global network running NetWare, Windows and Linux!

I am very impressed with Ubuntu Linux - it seems to be more then just a distro to me. I like some of the back end philosophy espoused by the creator. But more on that later.

I just married a wonderful lady this last spring, and we just found out that there is an expansion to our family on the way. We are very excited - slightly scared and above all looking forward to the experience.

- Tsykoduk

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